Meet the Masters

Privacy policy

Thank you very much for using the services provided by shokolatt (hereinafter, “we/our/us”). The Privacy Policy (hereinafter, “the Policy”) sets forth our privacy information handling principles. You or users are deemed to have agreed with the Policy if you use our services.

What is privacy information?

Privacy information includes both personal information; and history information and characteristic information. Personal information refers to the personal information prescribed in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or information relating to a living individual, specifically the name, date of birth, address, telephone number and other contact information, and any other described information that can identify individuals. Information other than personal information corresponds to history and characteristic information, such as services used, products purchased, history of pages/ads viewed, search keywords used by users, time and date of use, methods of using, using environment, postal code, gender, occupation, age, user’s IP address, cookie information, location information, and terminal identification information.

How do you collect privacy information?

We may collect personal information when a user makes a user registration or use any of our services and/or history and characteristic information of a user when a user uses any of our services or views any of the pages of our website. If a user performs settings in such a way that the use of the services is linked with any external service, we will collect the ID to be used by the user in the external service and/or the information that the user agrees to disclose to the linked service under the external service’s privacy settings.

For what purpose do you use privacy information?

The following gives purposes of our collection and use of privacy information. A) To present registered information including the user’s name, address, contact, and payment methods, used services, purchased products, and charges for such services/products so that users can view and/or correct their registered information and/or view the status of use
B) To use an e-mail address to notify or contact users, to use contact information such as name and address in order to send products to users, contact users as necessary
C) To use such information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, bank account number, credit card number, driving license number, and arrival of mails with delivery certificate for user identity verification
D) To use payment-related information such as names/quantities of products purchased, types/periods of services used, number of times of using services, amount billed, name, address, bank account number, and credit card number, in order to charge users
E) To display information registered to us on an input screen so that users can enter data easily or forward such information to external services under instructions of users
F) To use information for identify individuals, such as state of using, name and address, to refuse the use of the Service by those users who violate the Terms of Use of the Service, for example, failing to pay charge and causing damage to a third party or by those users who try to use the Service for unjust/unlawful purposes
G) To use information necessary for our provision of services for users, such as information about details of inquiries and billing, status of use of services by users, and contact information of users so as to answer inquires by users
H) To prepare statistical data that is processed in the form that does not permit personal identification in connection with our services
I) To distribute or display advertisements of us or a third party
J) To use privacy information for marketing
K) Purposes incidental to the purposes of using above

Do you provide privacy information for a third party?

We will not provide privacy information for a third party without the prior approval of users except for the following. However, this excludes cases in which the provision is permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or any other laws and regulations. A) Where requested under laws and regulations
B) Where the provision is required for protecting human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain an approval of the user him/herself
C) Where it is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the approval of the user him/herself
D) Where it is necessary to help any national organization, a local public organization, or a contractor perform the clerical work prescribed in laws and regulations and the approval of the user him/herself could disturb the performance of the clerical work

If we outsource all or part of privacy information handling to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the use or privacy information is provided along with succession of business due to merger or for any other reasons, it will not correspond to the provision of privacy information to a third party.

We may share or disclose privacy information upon user’s request if a user links any our services with any external services when using our services.

Can I check my privacy information or request you to correct it? If a user himself/herself requests the disclosure of the privacy information (excluding history or characteristic information) to the user himself/herself, we will disclose it without delay. However, if disclosure could harm the life, body, property, or other interests of the user or a third party, could cause significant hindrance to the proper performance of our business, or violates laws and regulations, we will refrain from disclosing all or part of the information. If we decide not to disclose the information, we will inform you without delay. We will charge you 1000 yen for each instance of disclosure of personal information. If any user’s personal information we own is incorrect, the user can request us to correct or delete the personal information by the procedure stipulated by us. If a user makes such a request and we judge it is necessary to meet the request, we will correct or delete the personal information and inform the user without delay.

Can I request you to discontinue the use of my privacy information?

When the user requests discontinuation of the use of his/her privacy information (hereinafter, “Discontinuation of the Use”) claiming the privacy information is handled beyond the scope of the purposes of use or the privacy information is obtained by unjust means, we will conduct a necessary investigation, and based on the outcome of the investigation make take measures such as Discontinuation of the Use, and inform the user without delay. However, we will take alternative measures if Discontinuation of the Use of privacy information involves an inordinate expense or if it is difficult and alternative measures are possible so as to protect rights and benefits of the users

Change of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to changes without notice to users. The changed Privacy Policy will take effect when it is placed on this website unless otherwise specified by us.

Inquiry contact

If you have any question about the policy, please contact us at the following contact address/e-mail address: Contact person:Shoko Tsurumoto
Address: **
E-mail address:
Established on: 2023.1











当社は,利用目的が変更前と関連性を有すると合理的に認められる場合に限り、個人情報の利用目的を変更するものとします。 利用目的の変更を行った場合には、変更後の目的について、当社所定の方法により、ユーザーに通知し、または本ウェブサイト上に公表するものとします。


当社は,次に掲げる場合を除いて、あらかじめユーザーの同意を得ることなく、第三者に個人情報を提供することはありません。ただし、個人情報保護法その他の法令で認められる場合を除きます。 人の生命,身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
前項の定めにかかわらず、次に掲げる場合には,当該情報の提供先は第三者に該当しないものとします。 当社が利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの全部または一部を委託する場合 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供される場合 個人情報を特定の者との間で共同して利用する場合であって、その旨並びに共同して利用される個人情報の項目,共同して利用する者の範囲,利用する者の利用目的および当該個人情報の管理について責任を有する者の氏名または名称について,あらかじめ本人に通知し,または本人が容易に知り得る状態に置いた場合。


当社は、本人から個人情報の開示を求められたときは、本人に対し遅滞なくこれを開示します。ただし、開示することにより次のいずれかに該当する場合は、その全部または一部を開示しないこともあり、開示しない決定をした場合には、その旨を遅滞なく通知します。なお,個人情報の開示に際しては,1件あたり1,000円の手数料を申し受けます。 本人または第三者の生命,身体,財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合 その他法令に違反することとなる場合 前項の定めにかかわらず、履歴情報および特性情報などの個人情報以外の情報については,原則として開示いたしません。


ユーザーは,当社の保有する自己の個人情報が誤った情報である場合には、当社が定める手続きにより、当社に対して個人情報の訂正、追加または削除(以下、「訂正等」といいます。)を請求することができます。 当社は,ユーザーから前項の請求を受けてその請求に応じる必要があると判断した場合には、遅滞なく、当該個人情報の訂正等を行うものとします。 当社は,前項の規定に基づき訂正等を行った場合,または訂正等を行わない旨の決定をしたときは遅滞なく、これをユーザーに通知します。


当社は、本人から個人情報が利用目的の範囲を超えて取り扱われているという理由、または不正の手段により取得されたものであるという理由により、その利用の停止または消去(以下、「利用停止等」といいます。)を求められた場合には、遅滞なく必要な調査を行います。 前項の調査結果に基づき,その請求に応じる必要があると判断した場合には、遅滞なく、当該個人情報の利用停止等を行います。 当社は,前項の規定に基づき利用停止等を行った場合,または利用停止等を行わない旨の決定をしたときは、遅滞なく、これをユーザーに通知します。 前2項にかかわらず、利用停止等に多額の費用を有する場合その他利用停止等を行うことが困難な場合であって、ユーザーの権利利益を保護するために必要なこれに代わるべき措置をとれる場合は、この代替策を講じるものとします。


本ポリシーの内容は,法令その他本ポリシーに別段の定めのある事項を除いて、ユーザーに通知することなく、変更することができるものとします。 当社が別途定める場合を除いて,変更後のプライバシーポリシーは,本ウェブサイトに掲載したときから効力を生じるものとします。


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